(Teapot of Vine)

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Chainik Vina (Vinepot)
Khvost & AuktYon © 1992
SNC Records (ð)&© 1995
SNC Records-5044

1. Orlandina (4:17)
2. I noch' i den' (And Night And Day) (2:14)
3. Taina (Secret) (2:59)
4. Slepoi (Blindman) (1:57)
5. Deti (Children) (2:27)
6. Vnutri Sobaki (Inside of a Dog) (2:52)
7. Kon' Unes L'ubimogo (A Horse Bolted away
the One I Love) (3:34)
8. Chainik Vina (Teapot of Vine) (3:13)
9. Ne Vizhu Ptiz Ya (I Don't See Birds) (2:26)
10. Proschal'naya (Farewell Song) (5:00)
11. Milaya Moya (My Darling) (1:41)
12. My Vseh Luchshe (We're the Best of All) (5:39)

The participants are:
Alexei "Khvost" Khvostenko - vocals, declamation; Boris "Bob" aka "Boryusik" Shaveinikov - drums; Dmitry Matveevich Matkovsky - acoustic guitar, sitar, electric guitar; Nikolai Ilyich Roubanov aka "Kolik" - bass clarinet, duduk and other pipes; Bondarik "Bond" Victor - bass; Litvinov "Pakha" Pavel - percussion; Volodya (invited by Matkovsky) - trombone; Akimych (invited by Matkovsky) - cello; Anya, "Khvost" 's daughter - vocals; Ozersky - did not play anything; Fedorov "Lyon'ka", "Leonid Fedorovich" Leonid - guitar, electric guitar, vocals etc.; Mikhail "Mishutka" Rappoport - sound assistant; Sasha Martisov - sound producer; Vasily "Vasya" Azemsha - graphics © 1992
Recorded January-February 1992
Creative Centre Studios, Kuibyshevsky district of St. Petersburg


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